Tuesday, September 30, 2008

#16 October 1st

I found out last night that my website is getting worked on. I haven't been thinking about it much just because I am so busy and so is my awesome web designer. The website is going to be pretty interactive--Which I guess could hurt me but I don't think it will. It will have a clean layout for images that will be easy to find. The navigation will should be fun (I hope!).

Here are some screen shots of what the website will look like hopefully.

#15 October 1st

I got a new sketchbook that is small and very portable and secret looking. It is black bound and open back so it is very flexible. I should be able to scan it just fine and really be able to glue things into it and play with it. The only think I wish was different about it was the color of the pages. They are stark white, but super smooth and perfect for pen work. Should be interesting to see what happens with it!

I did a poster a few months back that flew under the radar for some reason, but it wasn't until recently that I started getting feedback for it from the gigposter community. I am glad it was finally noticed because I really enjoyed creating it and it would be perfect for silk screened prints.

a thumbnail sketch of it I did while on the car ride to sasquatch festival.

just some more images of my sketchbook from that day that I found again

#14 October 1st

The past two days have SUCKED. I can't even explain my frustration. I work a lot and have a ton to do, so anything that goes wrong really just throws me for a loop and throws a wrench.

Monday night I basically worked 14 hours straight, had plans for finishing homework that blew up in my face, had smoothies explode everywhere and then smashed my fingers between two patio tables.

The following day I went to print something and discovered my wallet is gone. I lost all of my tip money from the weekend and 2 checks. Also my drivers license and school ID. Fortunately my debit card was in my purse and not in my wallet.

After a huge mess I was able to print and my art critique for 108 went fine. I rushed home to see if my wallet was on the kitchen table. Not a chance. Still haven't found it.

To add to my bad luck, I bought two VHS films on amazon and got one in the mail today. I popped it into my VCR and the damn machine ate the tape! Then I missed having dinner with my brother and he had to eat by himself.


Basically, I have cried a lot in the past few days. I sobbed for a good 10 minutes today in my car while it was parked in the garage. I tried to smash my super old phone and it wouldn't break. Even after I chucked it out of my car door and onto the hard concrete floor in my garage. Nothing. No problems. The damn brick won't break.

However, to cheer myself up, I went and got a boston shake at Fanci Freeze, then went to the RX and got some music (all for free, thank god) then tried to do some sketching at Flying M.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

#13 September 29th

I got a call at 5pm today to make a poster for a show on the 9th. Well, that is pretty damn soon, so I decided to take the job (I needed a creative break from homework and other projects). I decided to kind of just stick with an image that wasn't directly correlated with her music, just because I felt like it and because I can and wanted to. I have a website bookmarked of super rad kodak cameras and one in particular that I have saved that is my favorite. Voila.
when resized the text lost its glow. But when it gets printed it should be just fine.

#12 September 26th (2D Artist)

Wow. Just wow. I see these designs and I just can't believe that all she uses are sharpies and the designs are done by hand. I wish I had her patience and steady hand! The repetition of line and the organic shapes make for wonderful designs you can sit and stare at.

Justine Ashbee:

from her website
The amorphous entities and reaching tentacles emerge and take form much like the navigation of a surfer within a wave.

These drawings are executed purely by hand, using Sharpie pens. I begin with a curve, from which lines and forms begin to emerge, evolve, morph, and grow organically, in an intuitive flow, while maintaining delicate, elegant precision. The methodology is rhythmic, spontaneous, and direct, reducing interference with mark-making. Much like zen calligraphy, they are improvisational, and intuitively composed, where the physicality and the mark making become one.

I’m utilizing stark, amorphous lines to trace the movement and human experience of the non-linear and imaginational realms. Through this intuitive visual language, a negotiation of the visceral and everyday human experiences of beauty and pleasure, and feeling are given voice.

#11 September 26th (2D Artist)

A new obsession of mine: LAUREN ALBERT aka PLSLALA or Please, LALA. Just discovered her work recently and I am quite intrigued and inspired. She is a youngin' like myself, which I find even more inspiring and hopeful of what my future may hold artistically.

Her work is bizarre, sexual, and surreal. She focuses on the human form, I think her most interesting being the female form. I really enjoy how in your face the subject matter can be at times and the colors and textures she uses help push the themes she works with.

she also does animation! I also much approve the music, which is by the band The Knife.

her realistic versions of pokemon crack me up! I grew up with those creatures, so seeing them as something darker and more real than what they were marketed as really makes me love them even more.

#10 September 26th (SKETCHBOOKS)

I love love love love love sketchbooks. I love seeing the process in which an artist works and seeing how they problem solve. Looking into a sketchbook is like looking directly into the brain of an artist. It doesn't matter how clean or perfect the sketches are. The fact that we all have a wide range of how we sketch is what makes a sketchbook so interesting. I usually prefer the sketchbooks that are jam packed with images and different mediums, but I see the importance of simplicity as well especially when it comes to design and layout.

one place to see a collection of wonderful sketchbooks-

a wide range of styles, aesthetics, and talents.

some examples of my favorites. **These won't be labeled as to who they belong to, because I will refer to them later in the blog**