Thursday, September 11, 2008

#7- September 11th, 2008

I have been sketching quite a bit lately (I sketch a lot normally anyways) but I especially have been working hard on it for illustration and art 108. I will update this entry with sketchbook pages or write a new one of just images from the book. Lately I have been working on thumbnail and character sketches for the first project for illustration which is to illustrate a verb and noun that was randomly assigned to us. I received "Cowardly Pencil". I have decided to portray a pencil as the cowardly lion who is ducking away from flying sharpener monkeys. I have been working on cropping and layout and exaggeration of line and perspective. I really want to nail this assignment.

I have also been thinking a bit about the newest assignment for 108. Found objects have always been an interest to me, but people can really be hit or miss with the outcomes and products of these artworks. I believe I have a solid idea for mine and it came about as I was in the dollar store walking down the aisles. I want to take a set of knives and replace their hard sharp blades with something soft like felt or some kind of fabric. Thus making the use of a knife completely worthless. Also, I believe in some ideas that the knife can be seen as a phallic symbol. I want to take a hard object and then make it soft. Thus killing the phallic symbol. Now I just need to find a cheap knife set and wood block to display it in AND figure out how to get rid of the blades.

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