Saturday, September 27, 2008

#11 September 26th (2D Artist)

A new obsession of mine: LAUREN ALBERT aka PLSLALA or Please, LALA. Just discovered her work recently and I am quite intrigued and inspired. She is a youngin' like myself, which I find even more inspiring and hopeful of what my future may hold artistically.

Her work is bizarre, sexual, and surreal. She focuses on the human form, I think her most interesting being the female form. I really enjoy how in your face the subject matter can be at times and the colors and textures she uses help push the themes she works with.

she also does animation! I also much approve the music, which is by the band The Knife.

her realistic versions of pokemon crack me up! I grew up with those creatures, so seeing them as something darker and more real than what they were marketed as really makes me love them even more.

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