Monday, December 8, 2008

#53 December 8th (3D Artist)

Sandy Smith

enchanting, blunt, imaginative, energizing. Smith uses multiples of times and size to capture viewers and their curiosity.

"And here we are. More crap works with highbrow ideas (about highbrow ideas) and no closer to explaining why we do this. As Del Amitri sang "the needle returns to the start of the song and we all sing along as before.” It would be too impertinent to suggest that by merely attempting this process we have resolved anything so lofty as our intentions and ambition desired, but I put it to you that maybe, just maybe, that's okay. This is not to excuse ourselves - you read me too literally. We like this shit. And thus maybe we should not seek to explain ourselves just too much, and instead "have courage to use your [our] own reason". Or, as Kant paraphrased in the first paragraph of “What is enlightenment?”, Sapere aude.

Kant. What a cunt."

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